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The children’s hospital position is increasing with financial matters. If you are in a situation where you are compensated, you will be happy with your child more money in interest.

Berlin – Ein Friendly great work is possible. If the turnover falls after the birth and by the child’s soul that is used most, it is an alternative money from the state. The children’s hospital holding is so large that the monthly interest payments of Müttern, aber auch von Vätern, are made. Pro Kind can pay more from 100 Euro Rent I am Monat sein. Voraussetzung is a warning that the Mütterrente policy may continue.

Kinderziehungszeiten in der Rente: Mütter erhalten durchschnittlich 177 Euro more per month

In welchem ​​​​Umfang Rentnerinnen and Rentner von Kindererziehungszeiten profitable, said the active Rentenversicherungsbericht 2024. Demnach erhielten End 2023 rund 10.2 Millionen Mütter and a few small roads in a higher interest rate. Dabei trades as a sum of 177 Euro more. A children’s hospital is lower than the duration of the amount of money for an affected mother from 882 Euro.

Childhood problems and turmoil ensure optimal union. Deshalb gives the interest, with the term of the interest on honor.
The children’s hospital position is increasing with financial matters. If you are in a situation where you are compensated, you will be happy with your child more money in interest. (Symbol image) © IMAGO / Funke Foto Services

The state is less expensive than children’s hospital costs. Insgesamt zahlte die Rentenversicherung im vergangen Jahr rund 21,7 Billionen Euro voor de Anrechnung von Kindererziehungszeiten aus, davon trug der Bund rund 17,3 Billiarden Euro. A minimum of 381.2 billion euros from the rent insurance policy. De Ausgaben für Kindererziehungszeiten energie damit beef 5.7 Prozent der Gesamtausgaben aus.

The great Renten-Ratgeber

If you use one of the main interest rates, you can get all the information and tips on the Interest theme composed in the same way. Jetzt gratis reunterladen.

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Loading You can find the large Renten-Ratgeber kostenlos herunter HERE. © IMAGO / Bihlmayer photography

Rentenzuschlag von monatlich maximum 117.96 Euro per Child

By der Mütterrente unterscheidet das Gesetz wei Fälle:

  • For children born in 1992, it has been two years since they paid a sum of money for 2.5 years for the child for the child’s soul.

  • For children born after 1992, it is a few years of childhood and up to 3.0 per Child.

For Jews Entgeltpunkt for a children’s hospital costs 39.32 Euro. The rental price may be higher for a maximum of 117.96 Euro.

Recommendation for information regarding changes in interest

The children’s sick days can no longer be viewed in childhood. Angerechnet would be the Zeit von der Geburt bis volendung des zehnten Lebensjahres des Kindes. Childhood spending prevents listening to the legal position and the amount of damage to the Erfüllung der Wartezeiten für Altersrenten. They are about the war between 35 and 45 years.

Damn one thing ElternteilIf the child has a child, a lighter description may be given, while the likelihood of a rate increase increases. All kinds of child protection messages have now been filed, which is unavoidable among the children. If you unplug the power, you will find out.

Erhung der monatlichen Rente möglich

Kinderberücksichtigungszeiten can be placed at the level of the interest. It is then in autumn, when it mutters or the ways of the ways appear in the time of time. Before you do this, you can make your money if you pay the interest over time. Ist die der Fall, for the investment of the interest at that time 50 Prozent zum tatsächlichen Verdienstes hizugerechnet. This fictitious return could be a maximum of the amount of ongoing income from a period of 45,358 euros.

Der Vorteil is followed by a German Beispiel. A teilzeitbeschäftigte earns an amount of 2,700 euros gross, and received a reward of 32,400 euros. If you have a 50 percent top-up, you can put the interest into an account Content of 48,600 euros. Financing the capital limit would generate a pass-on income of 45,358 euros. Damit erhält die Mutter für die Rente een Entgeltpunkt statt rund 0.71 Entgeltpunkte ohne Aufwertung. It costs 11.43 Euro more interest per month.

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